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Laurent Fairhead

Laurent Fairhead

CNRS Research Engineer / Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS

Case 99
T 45 - 55, 3ème étage
4 place Jussieu

Paris F75252 Cedex 05
Office Phone: (33-1) 44 27 84 10


Dr. Laurent Fairhead holds a PhD in astronomy from the Observatoire de Paris (1989). He joined the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD/CNRS) in 1990 as a research engineer in scientific computing. He has since been involved in the development of the LMD atmospheric model (LMDZ) and the IPSL Earth system model and has participated in the various intercomparison programs (AMIP, CMIP, ...) the LMD and IPSL have been part of, acquiring HPC expertise for the last 20 years and porting the LMDz model on the different HPC structures at his disposal. He also leads the technical team handling support for LMDZ, is a member of the scientific committee of the IPSL global climate modelling group and has been a member of the IDRIS users' committee.