I. Understanding and modelling physical processes and mechanisms
- Clouds, convection and boundary layer (Catherine, Marie-Pierre, Jean-Baptiste)
- Aerosols and cloud microphysics (Olivier, Jean-Baptiste, Marine)
- Convective organization (Jean-Yves, Catherine, Sandrine, Geneviève, Laurence)
- Land-surface interactions (Frédérique, Frederic)
II. Understanding climate variability and change
- Tropical climate variability (Camille, Catherine)
- Climate forcings, sensitivity and feedbacks (Jean-Louis, Sandrine, Olivier)
- Regional climate patterns and phenomena (Frederic, Laurent L)
III. Development of the LMDZ General Circulation Model
- Physical parameterizations (Catherine, Marie-Pierre)
- Dynamical core and numerics (Frederic)
- Configurations and infrastructure (Laurent F, Laurent L, Lidia, C. Risi)
- Diagnostics and evaluation (Ionela, Abderrahmane, Geneviève, Laurence)