Jean-Louis Dufresne
CNRS Senior Research Scientist / Directeur de recherche au CNRS Head of the IPSL Climate Modeling Center / Responsable du Centre de Modélisation du Climat de l'IPSL (ICMC) Deputy Director of IPSL / Directeur adjoint de l'IPSL LMD/CNRS/UPMC
Office Phone: (33-1) 44 27 50 14
Case 99 T 45 - 55, 3ème étage 4 place Jussieu Paris F75252 Cedex 05 Websites: |
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Ph. D. : Université Denis Diderot (Université Paris 7), Energetic, “Experimental procedure to identify and adjust the parameters of a thermal model of an air solar heat collector intransient regime” (1983-1987)
M. Sc. : Université Denis Diderot (Université Paris 7), Energetic, Solar Energy (1982-1983)
B. Sc. : Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Université Paris 6), Engineering Physics and Instrumentation (1980-1982)
Professional experience:
2010 - : Deputy director of IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace), Paris, France
2009 - : CNRS Senior Research Scientist at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) and Ins-
titut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Paris, France
2009 - : Head of the IPSL Climate Modeling Center, Paris, France
2004 - 2011 : Head of the LMD climate modeling and climate change team, Paris, France
August 2000-March 2002 : Visiting Scientist, ICESS, University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA
1994-2009 : Junior Research Scientist at CNRS, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique : climate modeling, Paris, France
1988-1993 : Junior Research Scientist at CNRS, Laboratoire RAMSES : Building Energy Efficiency, Orsay, France