

@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.95}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib --quiet -c 'not journal:"Discussions"' -c 'not journal:"Polymer Science"' -c '  author:"Codron"  ' -c year=2005 -c $type="ARTICLE" -oc lmd_Codron2005.txt -ob lmd_Codron2005.bib /home/WWW/LMD/public/Publis_LMDEMC3.link.bib}}
  author = {{Codron}, F.},
  title = {{Relation between Annular Modes and the Mean State: Southern Hemisphere Summer.}},
  journal = {Journal of Climate},
  year = 2005,
  month = jan,
  volume = 18,
  pages = {320-330},
  abstract = {{The annular modes emerge as the leading mode of extratropical
month-to-month climate variability in both hemispheres. Here the
influence of the background state on the structure and dynamics of the
Southern Hemisphere annular mode (SAM) during the austral summer when
the climatology is characterized by a single, well-defined, eddy-driven
jet is studied. Subsets of the climatology are constructed for early and
late summer, and for contrasting polarities of the ENSO cycle. The
analysis is based both on observations and on perpetual-state GCM
experiments. The main differences between the subsets involve variations
of the latitude of the mean jet.It is found that in all the cases, the
SAM is characterized by latitudinal shifts of the jet about its mean
position, reinforced by a positive momentum flux feedback from
baroclinic waves. This result is consistent with previous studies of the
dynamics of the zonally averaged circulation but is found here to hold
over all longitudes and for different positions of the mean jet. The low
frequency eddies exert a weaker negative feedback upon the mean flow,
with a less zonally symmetric structure.The strong differences in the
amplitude of the SAM among the various climatologies seem to be
determined by a combination of 1) the variance of the ''random'' forcing
by transient eddies and 2) the strength of the positive feedback
component of this forcing. The latter mechanism increases the variance
at low frequencies only and lengthens the decorrelation time of
zonal-mean zonal wind anomalies. It tends to become stronger when the
mean jet moves equatorward.
  doi = {10.1175/JCLI-3255.1},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005JCli...18..320C},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}