
2014 .

(1 publication)

M. Schröder, R. Roca, L. Picon, A. Kniffka, and H. Brogniez. Climatology of free-tropospheric humidity: extension into the SEVIRI era, evaluation and exemplary analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 14:11129-11148, October 2014. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2010 .

(1 publication)

R. Roca, J.-C. Bergès, H. Brogniez, M. Capderou, P. Chambon, O. Chomette, S. Cloché, T. Fiolleau, I. Jobard, J. Lémond, M. Ly, L. Picon, P. Raberanto, A. Szantai, and M. Viollier. On the water and energy cycles in the Tropics. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342:390-402, April 2010. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2009 .

(1 publication)

H. Brogniez, R. Roca, and L. Picon. A Study of the Free Tropospheric Humidity Interannual Variability Using Meteosat Data and an Advection-Condensation Transport Model. Journal of Climate, 22:6773, 2009. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

2006 .

(1 publication)

H. Brogniez, R. Roca, and L. Picon. A clear-sky radiance archive from Meteosat “water vapor” observations. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 111:21109, November 2006. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2005 .

(2 publications)

H. Brogniez, R. Roca, and L. Picon. Evaluation of the distribution of subtropical free tropospheric humidity in AMIP-2 simulations using METEOSAT water vapor channel data. Geophysical Research Letters, 32:19708, October 2005. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

R. Roca, S. Louvet, L. Picon, and M. Desbois. A study of convective systems, water vapor and top of the atmosphere cloud radiative forcing over the Indian Ocean using INSAT-1B and ERBE data. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 90:49-65, September 2005. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2003 .

(2 publications)

F. DéSalmand, A. Szantai, L. Picon, and M. Desbois. Systematic observation of westward propagating cloud bands over the Arabian Sea during Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) from Meteosat-5 data. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 108:8004, September 2003. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

L. Picon, R. Roca, S. Serrar, J. L. Monge, and M. Desbois. A new METEOSAT “water vapor” archive for climate studies. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 108:4301, May 2003. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2002 .

(1 publication)

R. Roca, M. Viollier, L. Picon, and M. Desbois. A multisatellite analysis of deep convection and its moist environment over the Indian Ocean during the winter monsoon. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 107:8012, August 2002. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2001 .

(1 publication)

M. Bonazzola, L. Picon, H. Laurent, F. Hourdin, G. SèZe, H. Pawlowska, and R. Sadourny. Retrieval of large-scale wind divergences from infrared Meteosat-5 brightness temperatures over the Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106:28113, November 2001. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1997 .

(1 publication)

R. Roca, L. Picon, M. Desbois, H. Le Treut, and J.-J. Morcrette. Direct comparison of meteosat water vapor channel data and general circulation model results. Geophysical Research Letters, 24:147-150, 1997. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1995 .

(2 publications)

L. Picon, S. Fongang, G. Seze, and M. Desbois. African and Atlantic short-term climatic variations described from Meteosat water vapor channel. Annales Geophysicae, 13:768-781, July 1995. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

L. Picon and M. Desbois. High level moisture observations and derived parameters from METEOSAT and other geostationary satellites. Advances in Space Research, 16:73-86, 1995. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1990 .

(1 publication)

L. Picon and M. Desbois. Relation between METEOSAT Water Vapor Radiance Fields and Large Scale Tropical Circulation Features. Journal of Climate, 3:865-876, August 1990. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1989 .

(1 publication)

M. Desbois, S. Guessous, and L. Picon. Observation of mean dynamic fields from Meteosat large scale water vapor structure motions. Advances in Space Research, 9:83-90, 1989. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1988 .

(1 publication)

M. Desbois, T. Kayiranga, B. Gnamien, S. Guessous, and L. Picon. Characterization of Some Elements of the Sahelian Climate and Their Interannual Variations for July 1983, 1984 and 1985 from the Analysis of METEOSAT ISCCP Data. Journal of Climate, 1:867-904, September 1988. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1987 .

(2 publications)

L. Picon, M. Desbois, and G. Sèze. Use of meteosat ISCCP B2 data for the study of interannual variations of climatic elements in Africa. Advances in Space Research, 7:199-202, 1987. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

T. Kayiranga, M. Desbois, and L. Picon. Diurnal variations of convective cloudiness in tropical Africa observed with Meteosat ISCCP B2 data. Advances in Space Research, 7:163-166, 1987. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1986 .

(2 publications)

L. Picon and M. Desbois. A method for measuring surface albedo variations from Meteosat images. Annales Geophysicae, 4:601-607, December 1986. [ Bibtex entry | ADS link | Abstract ]

K. Laval and L. Picon. Effect of a Change of the Surface Albedo of the Sahel on Climate. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 43:2418-2429, November 1986. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1985 .

(1 publication)

M. Desbois, L. Picon, and G. Sèze. Retrieval of some climatic elements of Africa from METEOSAT data analysis. Advances in Space Research, 5:49-52, 1985. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

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