

@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.95}}
@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib --quiet -c 'not journal:"Discussions"' -c 'not journal:"Polymer Science"' -c '  author:"Madeleine"  ' -c year=2013 -c $type="ARTICLE" -oc lmd_Madeleine2013.txt -ob lmd_Madeleine2013.bib /home/WWW/LMD/public/Publis_LMDEMC3.link.bib}}
  author = {{Scanlon}, K.~E. and {Head}, J.~W. and {Madeleine}, J.-B. and 
	{Wordsworth}, R.~D. and {Forget}, F.},
  title = {{Orographic precipitation in valley network headwaters: Constraints on the ancient Martian atmosphere}},
  journal = {\grl},
  keywords = {orographic precipitation, valley networks, Noachian, atmospheric pressure},
  year = 2013,
  month = aug,
  volume = 40,
  pages = {4182-4187},
  abstract = {{We examine the Martian valley networks in the framework of topographic
influences on precipitation. We use an analytical model and the
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) early Mars
global circulation model (GCM) to explore the local-scale distribution
of orographically forced precipitation as a function of atmospheric
pressure. In simulations with 500 mbar and 1 bar CO$_{2}$
atmospheres, orographic lifting results in enhanced snowfall upslope of
the observed valley network tributaries. Our framework also suggests
that a 2 bar atmosphere cannot create the observed valley pattern at the
highest-relief valley network, Warrego Valles. As in previous work, the
GCM does not generate temperatures warm enough for rain or significant
snowmelt in the highlands with CO$_{2}$ greenhouse warming alone.
Thus while transient periods of unusual warming are still required to
melt the deposits and carve the valleys, our model predicts snow
deposition in the correct locations.
  doi = {10.1002/grl.50687},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013GeoRL..40.4182S},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Clancy}, R.~T. and {Sandor}, B.~J. and {Wolff}, M.~J. and {Smith}, M.~D. and 
	{LefèVre}, F. and {Madeleine}, J.-B. and {Forget}, F. and 
	{Murchie}, S.~L. and {Seelos}, F.~P. and {Seelos}, K.~D. and 
	{Nair}, H. and {Toigo}, A.~D. and {Humm}, D. and {Kass}, D.~M. and 
	{Kleinb{\"o}Hl}, A. and {Heavens}, N.},
  title = {{Correction to ''Extensive MRO CRISM observations of 1.27 {\micro}m O$_{2}$ airglow in Mars polar night and their comparison to MRO MCS temperature profiles and LMD GCM simulations''}},
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)},
  keywords = {Correction, Mars, Nightglow, O2, Atmosphere, Photochemistry},
  year = 2013,
  month = may,
  volume = 118,
  pages = {1148-1154},
  doi = {10.1002/jgre.20073},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013JGRE..118.1148C},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Spiga}, A. and {Faure}, J. and {Madeleine}, J.-B. and {M{\"a}{\"a}tt{\"a}nen}, A. and 
	{Forget}, F.},
  title = {{Rocket dust storms and detached dust layers in the Martian atmosphere}},
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  eprint = {1208.5030},
  primaryclass = {astro-ph.EP},
  keywords = {Mars, atmosphere, mesoscale, dust, convection, storm},
  year = 2013,
  month = apr,
  volume = 118,
  pages = {746-767},
  abstract = {{Airborne dust is the main climatic agent in the Martian environment.
Local dust storms play a key role in the dust cycle; yet their life
cycle is poorly known. Here we use mesoscale modeling that includes the
transport of radiatively active dust to predict the evolution of a local
dust storm monitored by OMEGA on board Mars Express. We show that the
evolution of this dust storm is governed by deep convective motions. The
supply of convective energy is provided by the absorption of incoming
sunlight by dust particles, rather than by latent heating as in moist
convection on Earth. We propose to use the terminology ''rocket dust
storm,'' or conio-cumulonimbus, to describe those storms in which rapid
and efficient vertical transport takes place, injecting dust particles
at high altitudes in the Martian troposphere (30-50 km). Combined to
horizontal transport by large-scale winds, rocket dust storms produce
detached layers of dust reminiscent of those observed with Mars Global
Surveyor and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Since nighttime sedimentation
is less efficient than daytime convective transport, and the detached
dust layers can convect during the daytime, these layers can be stable
for several days. The peak activity of rocket dust storms is expected in
low-latitude regions at clear seasons (late northern winter to late
northern summer), which accounts for the high-altitude tropical dust
maxima unveiled by Mars Climate Sounder. Dust-driven deep convection has
strong implications for the Martian dust cycle, thermal structure,
atmospheric dynamics, cloud microphysics, chemistry, and robotic and
human exploration.
  doi = {10.1002/jgre.20046},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013JGRE..118..746S},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Kerber}, L. and {Forget}, F. and {Madeleine}, J.-B. and {Wordsworth}, R. and 
	{Head}, J.~W. and {Wilson}, L.},
  title = {{The effect of atmospheric pressure on the dispersal of pyroclasts from martian volcanoes}},
  journal = {\icarus},
  year = 2013,
  month = mar,
  volume = 223,
  pages = {149-156},
  abstract = {{A planetary global circulation model developed by the Laboratoire de
Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) was used to simulate
explosive eruptions of ancient martian volcanoes into paleo-atmospheres
with higher atmospheric pressures than that of present-day Mars.
Atmospheric pressures in the model were varied between 50 mbar and 2
bars. In this way it was possible to investigate the sensitivity of the
volcanic plume dispersal model to atmospheric pressure. It was
determined that the model has a sensitivity to pressure that is similar
to its sensitivity to other atmospheric parameters such as planetary
obliquity and season of eruption. Higher pressure atmospheres allow
volcanic plumes to convect to higher levels, meaning that volcanic
pyroclasts have further to fall through the atmosphere. Changes in
atmospheric circulation due to pressure cause pyroclasts to be dispersed
in narrower latitudinal bands compared with pyroclasts in a modern
atmosphere. Atmospheric winds are generally slower under higher pressure
regimes; however, the final distance traveled by the pyroclasts depends
greatly on the location of the volcano and can either increase or
decrease with pressure. The directionality of the pyroclast transport,
however, remains dominantly east or west along lines of latitude.
Augmentation of the atmospheric pressure improves the fit between
possible ash sources Arsia and Pavonis Mons and the Medusae Fossae
Formation, a hypothesized ash deposit.
  doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2012.11.037},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013Icar..223..149K},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Forget}, F. and {Wordsworth}, R. and {Millour}, E. and {Madeleine}, J.-B. and 
	{Kerber}, L. and {Leconte}, J. and {Marcq}, E. and {Haberle}, R.~M.
  title = {{3D modelling of the early martian climate under a denser CO$_{2}$ atmosphere: Temperatures and CO$_{2}$ ice clouds}},
  journal = {\icarus},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  eprint = {1210.4216},
  primaryclass = {astro-ph.EP},
  year = 2013,
  month = jan,
  volume = 222,
  pages = {81-99},
  abstract = {{On the basis of geological evidence, it is often stated that the early
martian climate was warm enough for liquid water to flow on the surface
thanks to the greenhouse effect of a thick atmosphere. We present 3D
global climate simulations of the early martian climate performed
assuming a faint young Sun and a CO$_{2}$ atmosphere with surface
pressure between 0.1 and 7 bars. The model includes a detailed radiative
transfer model using revised CO$_{2}$ gas collision induced
absorption properties, and a parameterisation of the CO$_{2}$ ice
cloud microphysical and radiative properties. A wide range of possible
climates is explored using various values of obliquities, orbital
parameters, cloud microphysic parameters, atmospheric dust loading, and
surface properties. Unlike on present day Mars, for pressures higher
than a fraction of a bar, surface temperatures vary with altitude
because of the adiabatic cooling and warming of the atmosphere when it
moves vertically. In most simulations, CO$_{2}$ ice clouds cover a
major part of the planet. Previous studies had suggested that they could
have warmed the planet thanks to their scattering greenhouse effect.
However, even assuming parameters that maximize this effect, it does not
exceed +15 K. Combined with the revised CO$_{2}$ spectroscopy and
the impact of surface CO$_{2}$ ice on the planetary albedo, we
find that a CO$_{2}$ atmosphere could not have raised the annual
mean temperature above 0 {\deg}C anywhere on the planet. The collapse of
the atmosphere into permanent CO$_{2}$ ice caps is predicted for
pressures higher than 3 bar, or conversely at pressure lower than 1 bar
if the obliquity is low enough. Summertime diurnal mean surface
temperatures above 0 {\deg}C (a condition which could have allowed rivers
and lakes to form) are predicted for obliquity larger than 40{\deg} at
high latitudes but not in locations where most valley networks or
layered sedimentary units are observed. In the absence of other warming
mechanisms, our climate model results are thus consistent with a cold
early Mars scenario in which nonclimatic mechanisms must occur to
explain the evidence for liquid water. In a companion paper by
Wordsworth et al. we simulate the hydrological cycle on such a planet
and discuss how this could have happened in more detail.
  doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2012.10.019},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013Icar..222...81F},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Wordsworth}, R. and {Forget}, F. and {Millour}, E. and {Head}, J.~W. and 
	{Madeleine}, J.-B. and {Charnay}, B.},
  title = {{Global modelling of the early martian climate under a denser CO$_{2}$ atmosphere: Water cycle and ice evolution}},
  journal = {\icarus},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  eprint = {1207.3993},
  primaryclass = {astro-ph.EP},
  year = 2013,
  month = jan,
  volume = 222,
  pages = {1-19},
  abstract = {{We discuss 3D global simulations of the early martian climate that we
have performed assuming a faint young Sun and denser CO$_{2}$
atmosphere. We include a self-consistent representation of the water
cycle, with atmosphere-surface interactions, atmospheric transport, and
the radiative effects of CO$_{2}$ and H$_{2}$O gas and
clouds taken into account. We find that for atmospheric pressures
greater than a fraction of a bar, the adiabatic cooling effect causes
temperatures in the southern highland valley network regions to fall
significantly below the global average. Long-term climate evolution
simulations indicate that in these circumstances, water ice is
transported to the highlands from low-lying regions for a wide range of
orbital obliquities, regardless of the extent of the Tharsis bulge. In
addition, an extended water ice cap forms on the southern pole,
approximately corresponding to the location of the Noachian/Hesperian
era Dorsa Argentea Formation. Even for a multiple-bar CO$_{2}$
atmosphere, conditions are too cold to allow long-term surface liquid
water. Limited melting occurs on warm summer days in some locations, but
only for surface albedo and thermal inertia conditions that may be
unrealistic for water ice. Nonetheless, meteorite impacts and volcanism
could potentially cause intense episodic melting under such conditions.
Because ice migration to higher altitudes is a robust mechanism for
recharging highland water sources after such events, we suggest that
this globally sub-zero, 'icy highlands' scenario for the late Noachian
climate may be sufficient to explain most of the fluvial geology without
the need to invoke additional long-term warming mechanisms or an early
warm, wet Mars.
  doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2012.09.036},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013Icar..222....1W},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}