
2002 .

(2 publications)

C. Ethé, C. Basdevant, R. Sadourny, K. S. Appu, L. Harenduprakash, P. R. Sarode, and G. Viswanathan. Air mass motion, temperature, and humidity over the Arabian Sea and western Indian Ocean during the INDOEX intensive phase, as obtained from a set of superpressure drifting balloons. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 107:8023, October 2002. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

F. Codron and R. Sadourny. Saturation limiters for water vapour advection schemes: impact on orographic precipitation. Tellus Series A, 54:338, August 2002. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

2001 .

(3 publications)

V. Ramanathan, P. J. Crutzen, J. Lelieveld, A. P. Mitra, D. Althausen, J. Anderson, M. O. Andreae, W. Cantrell, G. R. Cass, C. E. Chung, A. D. Clarke, J. A. Coakley, W. D. Collins, W. C. Conant, F. Dulac, J. Heintzenberg, A. J. Heymsfield, B. Holben, S. Howell, J. Hudson, A. Jayaraman, J. T. Kiehl, T. N. Krishnamurti, D. Lubin, G. McFarquhar, T. Novakov, J. A. Ogren, I. A. Podgorny, K. Prather, K. Priestley, J. M. Prospero, P. K. Quinn, K. Rajeev, P. Rasch, S. Rupert, R. Sadourny, S. K. Satheesh, G. E. Shaw, P. Sheridan, and F. P. J. Valero. Indian Ocean Experiment: An integrated analysis of the climate forcing and effects of the great Indo-Asian haze. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106:28371, November 2001. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

M. Bonazzola, L. Picon, H. Laurent, F. Hourdin, G. SèZe, H. Pawlowska, and R. Sadourny. Retrieval of large-scale wind divergences from infrared Meteosat-5 brightness temperatures over the Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106:28113, November 2001. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

F. Codron, A. Vintzileos, and R. Sadourny. Influence of Mean State Changes on the Structure of ENSO in a Tropical Coupled GCM. Journal of Climate, 14:730-742, March 2001. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2000 .

(1 publication)

F. Codron, A. Vintzileos, and R. Sadourny. An Improved Scheme for Interpolating between an Atmospheric Model and Underlying Surface Grids near Orography and Ocean Boundaries. Monthly Weather Review, 128:1177, 2000. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

1999 .

(4 publications)

C. Martineu, J.-Y. Caneill, and R. Sadourny. Potential Predictability of European Winters from the Analysis of Seasonal Simulations with an AGCM. Journal of Climate, 12:3033-3061, October 1999. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

H. Teitelbaum, M. Moustaoui, R. Sadourny, and F. Lott. Critical levels and mixing layers induced by convectively generated gravity waves during CEPEX. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 125:1715-1734, July 1999. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

A. Vintzileos, P. Delecluse, and R. Sadourny. On the mechanisms in a tropical ocean-global atmosphere coupled general circulation model. Part II: interannual variability and its relation to the seasonal cycle. Climate Dynamics, 15:63-80, 1999. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

A. Vintzileos, P. Delecluse, and R. Sadourny. On the mechanisms in a tropical ocean-global atmosphere coupled general circulation model. Part I: mean state and the seasonal cycle. Climate Dynamics, 15:43-62, 1999. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1998 .

(2 publications)

O. P. Sharma, H. Le Treut, G. Sèze, L. Fairhead, and R. Sadourny. Interannual Variations of Summer Monsoons: Sensitivity to Cloud Radiative Forcing. Journal of Climate, 11:1883-1905, August 1998. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

H. Teitelbaum and R. Sadourny. The rôle of planetary waves in the formation of polar stratospheric clouds. Tellus Series A, 50:302, May 1998. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1997 .

(2 publications)

A. Vintzileos and R. Sadourny. A General Interface between an Atmospheric General Circulation Model and Underlying Ocean and Land Surface Models: Delocalized Physics Scheme. Monthly Weather Review, 125:926, 1997. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

A. Harzallah and R. Sadourny. Observed lead-lag relationships between Indian summer monsoon and some meteorological variables. Climate Dynamics, 13:635-648, 1997. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1996 .

(2 publications)

K. Layal, R. Raghava, J. Polcher, R. Sadourny, and M. Forichon. Simulations of the 1987 and 1988 Indian Monsoons Using the LMD GCM. Journal of Climate, 9:3357-3372, December 1996. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

A. Harzallah, J. O. Rocha de Aragão, and R. Sadourny. Interannual Rainfall Variability in North-East Brazil: Observation and Model Simulation. International Journal of Climatology, 16:861-878, August 1996. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1995 .

(3 publications)

F. Hourdin, O. Talagrand, R. Sadourny, R. Courtin, D. Gautier, and C. P. Mckay. Numerical simulation of the general circulation of the atmosphere of Titan. Icarus, 117:358-374, October 1995. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

A. Harzallah and R. Sadourny. Internal Versus SST-Forced Atmospheric Variability as Simulated by an Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Journal of Climate, 8:474-495, March 1995. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

R. C. Raghava, K. Laval, R. Sadourny, and J. Polcher. Atmospheric response to tropical denuding of vegetation. Atmospheric Environment, 29:1963-2000, 1995. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1994 .

(1 publication)

R. Sadourny. The sun's influence on climate. Academie des Sciences Paris Comptes Rendus Serie B Sciences Physiques, 319:1325-1342, December 1994. [ Bibtex entry | ADS link | Abstract ]

1993 .

(2 publications)

E. Nesme-Ribes, E. N. Ferreira, R. Sadourny, H. Le Treut, and Z. X. Li. Solar dynamics and its impact on solar irradiance and the terrestrial climate. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98:18923, November 1993. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

R. Sadourny. Book Review: Teleconnections linking worldwide climate anomalies. Scientific Basis and Societal Impact, Edited by M.H. Glantz, R.W. Katz and N. Nicholls, Cambridge University Press, 1991, hardcover: x + 535 pp., Price: 40,-/US $54.50. ISBN 0-521-36475-2. Atmospheric Research, 29:271-272, 1993. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

1990 .

(2 publications)

C. Genthon, H. Le Treut, R. Sadourny, and J. Jouzel. Parameterization of eddy sensible heat transports in a zonally averaged dynamic model of the atmosphere. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 47:2475-2487, November 1990. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

A. Babiano, C. Basdevant, P. Le Roy, and R. Sadourny. Relative dispersion in two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 214:535-557, May 1990. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1989 .

(2 publications)

M. Farge and R. Sadourny. Wave-vortex dynamics in rotating shallow water. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 206:433-462, September 1989. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

S. Joussaume, J. Jouzel, and R. Sadourny. Simulations of the last glacial maximum with an atmospheric general circulation model including paleoclimatic tracer cycles. Washington DC American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series, 52:159-162, 1989. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1987 .

(1 publication)

A. Babiano, C. Basdevant, B. Legras, and R. Sadourny. Vorticity and passive-scalar dynamics in two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 183:379-397, October 1987. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1986 .

(1 publication)

M. Farge and R. Sadourny. Inhibition of two-dimensional turbulence by entrainment rotation. Academie des Sciences Paris Comptes Rendus Serie Sciences Mathematiques, 302:847-850, April 1986. [ Bibtex entry | ADS link | Abstract ]

1985 .

(2 publications)

R. Sadourny and C. Basdevant. Parameterization of Subgrid Scale Barotropic and Baroclinic Eddies in Quasi-geostrophic Models: Anticipated Potential Vorticity Method. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 42:1353-1363, July 1985. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

A. Babiano, C. Basdevant, and R. Sadourny. Structure functions and dispersion laws in two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 42:941-949, May 1985. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1984 .

(3 publications)

S. Joussaume, R. Sadourny, and J. Jouzel. A general circulation model of water isotope cycles in the atmosphere. Nature, 311:24-29, September 1984. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

S. Joussaume, I. Rasool, R. Sadourny, and J.-R. Petit. Simulation of desert dust cycles in an atmospheric general circulation model. Annals of Glaciology, 5:208-210, 1984. [ Bibtex entry | ADS link ]

S. Joussaume, R. Sadourny, and J. Jouzel. Simulation of the HDO and H218O cycles in an Atmospheric general circulation model. Annals of Glaciology, 5:204-207, 1984. [ Bibtex entry | ADS link ]

1983 .

(1 publication)

C. Basdevant and R. Sadourny. Modelling subgrid scales in numerical simulation of two-dimensional turbulent flows. Journal de Mecanique Theorique et Appliquee Supplement, pages 243-269, 1983. [ Bibtex entry | ADS link | Abstract ]

1982 .

(2 publications)

R. Sadourny and J.-M. Hoyer. Inhibition of Baroclinic Instability in Low-Resolution Models. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 39:2138-2143, October 1982. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

J.-M. Hoyer and R. Sadourny. Closure Modeling of Fully Developed Baroclinic Instability. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 39:707-721, April 1982. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1981 .

(4 publications)

C. Basdevant, B. Legras, R. Sadourny, and M. Béland. A Study of Barotropic Model Flows: Intermittency, Waves and Predictability. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 38:2305-2326, November 1981. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

R. Sadourny and C. Basdevant. A class of operators for modelling two-dimensional turbulent diffusion. Academie des Sciences Paris Comptes Rendus Serie Sciences Mathematiques, 292:1061-1064, April 1981. [ Bibtex entry | ADS link | Abstract ]

K. Laval, R. Sadourny, and Y. Serafini. Land surface processes in a simplified general circulation model. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 17:129-150, 1981. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

K. Laval, H. Le Treut, and R. Sadourny. Effect of cumulus parameterization on the dynamics of a general circulation model. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 17:113-127, 1981. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1978 .

(1 publication)

C. Basdevant, M. Lesieur, and R. Sadourny. Subgrid-Scale Modeling of Enstrophy Transfer in Two-Dimensional Turbulence. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 35:1028-1042, June 1978. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1975 .

(3 publications)

R. Sadourny. Compressible Model Flows on the Sphere. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 32:2103-2110, November 1975. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

C. Basdevant and R. Sadourny. Ergodic properties of inviscid truncated models of two-dimensional incompressible flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 69:673-688, June 1975. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

R. Sadourny. The Dynamics of Finite-Difference Models of the Shallow-Water Equations. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 32:680-689, April 1975. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1972 .

(1 publication)

R. Sadourny. Conservative Finite-Difference Approximations of the Primitive Equations on Quasi-Uniform Spherical Grids. Monthly Weather Review, 100:136, 1972. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

1969 .

(1 publication)

R. Sadourny and P. Morel. a Finite-Difference Approximation of the Primitive Equations for a Hexagonal Grid on a Plane. Monthly Weather Review, 97:439, 1969. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

1968 .

(1 publication)

R. Sadourny, A. Arakawa, and Y. Mintz. Integration of the Nondivergent Barotropic Vorticity Equation with AN Icosahedral-Hexagonal Grid for the SPHERE1. Monthly Weather Review, 96:351, 1968. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

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