
2015 .

(1 publication)

M. Benetti, G. Aloisi, G. Reverdin, C. Risi, and G. Sèze. Importance of boundary layer mixing for the isotopic composition of surface vapor over the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 120:2190-2209, March 2015. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2014 .

(1 publication)

Y. Blanchard, J. Pelon, E. W. Eloranta, K. P. Moran, J. Delanoë, and G. Sèze. A Synergistic Analysis of Cloud Cover and Vertical Distribution from A-Train and Ground-Based Sensors over the High Arctic Station Eureka from 2006 to 2010. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53:2553-2570, November 2014. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

2013 .

(2 publications)

I. Tobin, S. Bony, C. E. Holloway, J.-Y. Grandpeix, G. Sèze, D. Coppin, S. J. Woolnough, and R. Roca. Does convective aggregation need to be represented in cumulus parameterizations? Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 5:692-703, December 2013. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

M. Rojas, L. Z. Li, M. Kanakidou, N. Hatzianastassiou, G. Seze, and H. Le Treut. Winter weather regimes over the Mediterranean region: their role for the regional climate and projected changes in the twenty-first century. Climate Dynamics, 41:551-571, August 2013. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2011 .

(1 publication)

F. Aires, F. Marquisseau, C. Prigent, and G. Sèze. A Land and Ocean Microwave Cloud Classification Algorithm Derived from AMSU-A and -B, Trained Using MSG-SEVIRI Infrared and Visible Observations. Monthly Weather Review, 139:2347-2366, August 2011. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

2009 .

(1 publication)

A. Plana-Fattori, G. Brogniez, P. Chervet, M. Haeffelin, O. Lado-Bordowsky, Y. Morille, F. Parol, J. Pelon, A. Roblin, G. Sèze, and C. Stubenrauch. Comparison of High-Cloud Characteristics as Estimated by Selected Spaceborne Observations and Ground-Based Lidar Datasets. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 48:1142, 2009. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

2008 .

(1 publication)

H. Chepfer, S. Bony, D. Winker, M. Chiriaco, J.-L. Dufresne, and G. Sèze. Use of CALIPSO lidar observations to evaluate the cloudiness simulated by a climate model. Geophysical Research Letters, 35:15704, August 2008. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2004 .

(1 publication)

F. Parol, J. C. Buriez, C. Vanbauce, J. Riedi, L. C. Labonnote, M. Doutriaux-Boucher, M. Vesperini, G. Sèze, P. Couvert, M. Viollier, and F. M. Bréon. Review of capabilities of multi-angle and polarization cloud measurements from POLDER. Advances in Space Research, 33:1080-1088, January 2004. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2003 .

(1 publication)

A. Mathieu, G. Sèze, A. Lahellec, C. Guerin, and A. Weill. Characterization of the Cloud-Topped Boundary Layer at the Synoptic Scale Using AVHRR Observations during the SEMAPHORE Experiment. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42:1720-1730, December 2003. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2002 .

(1 publication)

F. M. Bréon, J. C. Buriez, P. Couvert, P. Y. Deschamps, J. L. Deuzé, M. Herman, P. Goloub, M. Leroy, A. Lifermann, C. Moulin, F. Parol, G. Sèze, D. Tanré, C. Vanbauce, and M. Vesperini. Scientific results from the Polarization and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectances (POLDER). Advances in Space Research, 30:2383-2386, 2002. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

2001 .

(2 publications)

M. Bonazzola, L. Picon, H. Laurent, F. Hourdin, G. SèZe, H. Pawlowska, and R. Sadourny. Retrieval of large-scale wind divergences from infrared Meteosat-5 brightness temperatures over the Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106:28113, November 2001. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

G. SèZe and H. Pawlowska. Cloud cover analysis with METEOSAT-5 during INDOEX. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106:28415, November 2001. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1999 .

(3 publications)

A. Mathieu, G. Seze, C. Guerin, H. Dupuis, and A. Weill. Mesoscale boundary layer clouds structures as observed during the semaphore campaign. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B, 24:933-938, September 1999. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

G. Seze, C. Vanbauce, J. C. Buriez, F. Parol, and P. Couvert. Cloud cover observed simultaneously from POLDER and METEOSAT. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B, 24:921-926, September 1999. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

F. Parol, J.-C. Buriez, C. Vanbauce, P. Couvert, G. Seze, P. Goloub, and S. Cheinet. First results of the POLDER ”Earth Radiation Budget and Clouds” operational algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 37:1597-1612, May 1999. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

1998 .

(4 publications)

M. Doutriaux-Boucher, J. Pelon, V. Trouillet, G. SèZe, H. Le Treut, P. Flamant, and M. Desbois. Simulation of satellite lidar and radiometer retrievals of a general circulation model three-dimensional cloud data set. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103:26025, October 1998. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

O. P. Sharma, H. Le Treut, G. Sèze, L. Fairhead, and R. Sadourny. Interannual Variations of Summer Monsoons: Sensitivity to Cloud Radiative Forcing. Journal of Climate, 11:1883-1905, August 1998. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

M. Doutriaux-Boucher and G. Sèze. Significant changes between the ISCCP C and D cloud climatologies. Geophysical Research Letters, 25:4193-4196, 1998. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

C. Vanbauce, J. C. Buriez, F. Parol, B. Bonnel, G. Sèze, and P. Couvert. Apparent pressure derived from ADEOS-POLDER observations in the oxygen A-band over ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 25:3159-3162, 1998. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1997 .

(1 publication)

V. Giraud, J. C. Buriez, Y. Fouquart, F. Parol, and G. Seze. Large-Scale Analysis of Cirrus Clouds from AVHRR Data: Assessment of Both a Microphysical Index and the Cloud-Top Temperature. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 36:664-675, June 1997. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1996 .

(2 publications)

W. Yu, M. Doutriaux, G. Sèze, H. Le Treut, and M. Desbois. A methodology study of the validation of clouds in GCMs using ISCCP satellite observations. Climate Dynamics, 12:389-401, May 1996. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

C. J. Stubenrauch, G. Seze, N. A. Scott, A. Chedin, M. Desbois, and R. S. Kandel. Cloud Field Identification for Earth Radiation Budget Studies. Part II: Cloud Field Classification for the ScaRaB Radiometer. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 35:428-443, March 1996. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1995 .

(1 publication)

L. Picon, S. Fongang, G. Seze, and M. Desbois. African and Atlantic short-term climatic variations described from Meteosat water vapor channel. Annales Geophysicae, 13:768-781, July 1995. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1994 .

(1 publication)

P.-Y. Deschamps, F.-M. Breon, M. Leroy, A. Podaire, A. Bricaud, J.-C. Buriez, and G. Seze. The POLDER mission: instrument characteristics and scientific objectives. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 32:598-615, May 1994. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

1991 .

(3 publications)

W. Yu, G. Sèze, H. Le Treut, and M. Desbois. Comparison of radiance fields observed by satellite and simulated by the LMD general circulation model. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 16:147-165, October 1991. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

G. Sèze and W. B. Rossow. Effects of satellite data resolution on measuring the space/time variations of surfaces and clouds. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 12:921-952, May 1991. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

G. Sèze and W. B. Rossow. Time-cumulated visible and infrared radiance histograms used as descriptors of surface and cloud variations. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 12:877-920, May 1991. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

1987 .

(4 publications)

G. Seze and M. Desbois. Cloud Cover Analysis from Satellite Imagery Using Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of the Data. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 26:287-303, February 1987. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

L. Picon, M. Desbois, and G. Sèze. Use of meteosat ISCCP B2 data for the study of interannual variations of climatic elements in Africa. Advances in Space Research, 7:199-202, 1987. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

F. Drake, G. Sèze, M. Desbois, and A. Henderson-Sellers. European ISCCP sector surface and satellite retrieved cloud comparison. Advances in Space Research, 7:159-161, 1987. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

G. Sèze and W. Rossow. Time-cumulated visible and infrared histograms used as descriptor of cloud cover. Advances in Space Research, 7:155-158, 1987. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1985 .

(5 publications)

W. B. Rossow, F. Mosher, E. Kinsella, A. Arking, M. Desbois, E. Harrison, P. Minnis, E. Ruprecht, G. Seze, C. Simmer, and E. Smith. ISCCP Cloud Algorithm Intercomparison. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 24:887-903, September 1985. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

W. B. Rossow, F. Mosher, E. Kinsella, A. Arking, M. Desbois, E. Harrison, P. Minnis, E. Ruprecht, G. Seze, C. Simmer, and E. Smith. ISCCP Cloud Algorithm Intercomparison. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 24:877-903, September 1985. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link ]

M. Desbois, L. Picon, and G. Sèze. Retrieval of some climatic elements of Africa from METEOSAT data analysis. Advances in Space Research, 5:49-52, 1985. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

W. B. Rossow, F. Mosher, E. Kinsella, A. Arking, M. Desbois, E. Harrison, P. Minnis, E. Ruprecht, G. Sèze, and E. Smith. ISCCP cloud analysis algorithm intercomparison. Advances in Space Research, 5:185-185, 1985. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

G. Sèze, C. Belcour, and M. Desbois. Cloud cover analysis using spectral and spatial characteristics of meteosat images. Advances in Space Research, 5:165-168, 1985. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

1982 .

(1 publication)

M. Desbois, G. Seze, and G. Szejwach. Automatic Classification of Clouds on METEOSAT Imagery: Application to High-Level Clouds. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 21:401-412, March 1982. [ Bibtex entry | Journal website | ADS link | Abstract ]

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