
1990 .

(2 publications)

C. Genthon, H. Le Treut, R. Sadourny, and J. Jouzel. Parameterization of eddy sensible heat transports in a zonally averaged dynamic model of the atmosphere. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 47:2475-2487, November 1990. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]

A Charney-Branscome based parameterization has been tested as a way of representing the eddy sensible heat transports missing in a zonally averaged dynamic model (ZADM) of the atmosphere. The ZADM used is a zonally averaged version of a General Circulation Model (GCM). The parameterized transports in the ZADM are gaged against the corresponding fluxes explicitly simulated in the GCM, using the same zonally averaged boundary conditions in both models. The Charney-Branscome approach neglects stationary eddies and transient barotropic disturbances and relies on a set of simplifying assumptions, including the linear approximation, to describe growing transient baroclinic eddies. Nevertheless, fairly satisfactory results are obtained when the parameterization is performed interactively with the model. Compared with noninteractive tests, a very efficient restoring feedback effect between the modeled zonal-mean climate and the parameterized meridional eddy transport is identified.

A. Babiano, C. Basdevant, P. Le Roy, and R. Sadourny. Relative dispersion in two-dimensional turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 214:535-557, May 1990. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]

The statistical laws governing relative dispersion of particle pairs advected in a two-dimensional turbulent, incompressible, homogeneous, and stationary velocity field are examined theoretically and numerically. A rigorous differential equation governing relative dispersion is obtained which is based on simple kinematic relations between relative position, relative velocity, and relative acceleration of particle views and is valid for both two- and three-dimensional dynamics. Particular attention is given to the classical Kraichnan-Lin and Richardson-Obukhov laws in the incompressible two-dimensional case.