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@comment{{Command line: /usr/bin/bib2bib --quiet -c 'not journal:"Discussions"' -c 'not journal:"Polymer Science"' -c '  author:"Picon"  ' -c year=2003 -c $type="ARTICLE" -oc lmd_Picon2003.txt -ob lmd_Picon2003.bib /home/WWW/LMD/public/Publis_LMDEMC3.link.bib}}
  author = {{DéSalmand}, F. and {Szantai}, A. and {Picon}, L. and {Desbois}, M.
  title = {{Systematic observation of westward propagating cloud bands over the Arabian Sea during Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) from Meteosat-5 data}},
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres)},
  keywords = {Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Mesoscale meteorology, Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Remote sensing, Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Waves and tides, Information Related to Geographic Region: Indian Ocean, cloud bands, wave propagation, sea-land breeze},
  year = 2003,
  month = sep,
  volume = 108,
  eid = {8004},
  pages = {8004},
  abstract = {{During the field experiment phase of the Indian Ocean Experiment
(INDOEX), linear cloud formations parallel to the West Indian coast and
propagating westward have been observed. Meteosat-5 images are used for
the description of the life cycle of these events. Single cloud bands,
or main cloud bands followed by (up to 10) secondary parallel cloud
lines with a wavelike pattern, have been observed daily during four
periods in the dry season of 1999 (15 January, 16-19 February, 27
February to 7 March, and 1-3 April 1999). During these four periods, one
single cloud band or a packet of cloud bands is generated every day at
nighttime. Their length reaches several hundreds of kilometers, their
width lies below 40 km, and their duration in some cases exceeds 24
hours. The smaller cloud lines observed behind the leading cloud line
are narrower and are separated by a distance of 2-10 km. Cloud tops are
about 3-8{\deg}C colder than the Arabian Sea, corresponding to an
altitude between 500 and 1200 m during the night and below 2500 m during
daytime. Cloud bands travel westward over the Arabian Sea at a speed
around 13 m/s, greater than the wind speed measured in the surrounding
area. The motion of the cloud band presents similarities with the
wavelike propagation of atmospheric phenomena such as the Australian
morning glories. Common elements to the different cases are the
following: weak low-level winds close to the southwestern Indian coast
when the cloud bands appear, winds with a northerly component in the
vicinity of the northwestern Indian coast, the presence of a sea-land
breeze circulation along the West Indian coast, and the presence of high
concentrations of pollutants over the northeastern Arabian Sea. However,
existing physical links between these elements (if any) still have to be
  doi = {10.1029/2002JD002934},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003JGRD..108.8004D},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
  author = {{Picon}, L. and {Roca}, R. and {Serrar}, S. and {Monge}, J.~L. and 
	{Desbois}, M.},
  title = {{A new METEOSAT ``water vapor'' archive for climate studies}},
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres)},
  keywords = {Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Climatology (1620), Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Remote sensing, Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Tropical meteorology, Meteorology and Atmospheric Dynamics: Instruments and techniques, water vapor, upper tropospheric humidity, calibration, satellite climatology, satellite archive, METEOSAT},
  year = 2003,
  month = may,
  volume = 108,
  eid = {4301},
  pages = {4301},
  abstract = {{Water vapor plays an important role in the climate system through a
number of mechanisms spanning a wide range of space and timescale. Since
1977, the METEOSAT satellites are equipped with a radiometer dedicated
to the measurements of upper tropospheric humidity (UTH) which covers a
relevant range of scales for a better understanding of the water vapor
role in the climate. Due to the changes of the satellites and the
calibration techniques over the last 20 years, this water vapor METEOSAT
archive is not homogeneous and cannot be directly used for climatic
studies. Hence the authors present in this paper a newly homogenized
METEOSAT water vapor channel archive. Two main types of anomalies entail
the original METEOSAT archive. The first one corresponds to the
successive improvements of the calibration procedure. In this case, a
statistical correction technique based on comparisons between
ECMWF-simulated brightness temperature (BT) and water vapor
METEOSAT-observed BT is developed. The second type of anomaly concerns
the METEOSAT radiometer changes over the time. While still measuring the
UTH, the details of the filter function, indeed, evolved over the last
20 years. In this second case, the correction is based on a physical
method implying simulations of the same scene by different radiometer
filter functions. Two major cases are documented in detail for September
1987 and for February 1994. Sensitivity analysis of the techniques is
conducted and the methods are shown to be robust with respect to the
details of their implementations. The efficiency of the two methods is
then evaluated. The resulting archive reveals water vapor seasonal cycle
features in better agreement with climatological estimates. The new
homogenized METEOSAT archive consists of 3-hourly total sky radiance at
the 0.625{\deg} {\times} 0.625{\deg} resolution over the July 1983 to
February 1994 period, offering the opportunity to investigate the
variability of the regional UTH from synoptic scales to interannual and
interdecadal scales.
  doi = {10.1029/2002JD002640},
  adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003JGRD..108.4301P},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}