
2011 .

(6 publications)

J.-B. Madeleine, F. Forget, E. Millour, L. Montabone, and M. J. Wolff. Revisiting the radiative impact of dust on Mars using the LMD Global Climate Model. Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 116:11010, November 2011. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]

Airborne dust is the main driver of Martian atmospheric temperature, and accurately accounting for its radiative effect in Global Climate Models (GCMs) is essential. This requires the modeling of the dust distribution and radiative properties, and when trying to simulate the true climate variability, the use of the observed dust column opacity to guide the model. A recurrent problem has been the inability of Mars GCMs to predict realistic temperatures while using both the observed dust radiative properties and column opacity. One would have to drive the model with a tuned opacity to reach an agreement with the observations, thereby losing its self-consistency. In this paper, we show that using the most recently derived dust radiative properties in the LMD (Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique) GCM solves this problem, which was mainly due to the underestimation of the dust single scattering albedo in the solar domain. However, an overall warm temperature bias remains above the 1 hPa pressure level. We therefore refine the model by implementing a semi-interactive dust transport scheme which is coupled to the radiative transfer calculations. This scheme allows a better representation of the dust layer depth in the model and thereby removes the remaining warm bias. The LMD/GCM is now able to predict accurate temperatures without any tuning of the dust opacity used to guide the model. Remaining discrepancies are discussed, and seem to be primarily due to the neglect of the radiative effect of water-ice clouds, and secondarily to persisting uncertainties in the dust spatial distribution.

L. Kerber, J. W. Head, J.-B. Madeleine, F. Forget, and L. Wilson. The dispersal of pyroclasts from Apollinaris Patera, Mars: Implications for the origin of the Medusae Fossae Formation. Icarus, 216:212-220, November 2011. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]

The Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) has long been thought to be of Amazonian age, but recent studies propose that a significant part of its emplacement occurred in the Hesperian and that many of the Amazonian ages represent modification (erosional and redepositional) ages. On the basis of the new formational age, we assess the hypothesis that explosive eruptions from Apollinaris Patera might have been the source of the Medusae Fossae Formation. In order to assess the likelihood of this hypothesis, we examine stratigraphic relationships between Apollinaris Patera and the MFF and analyze the relief of the MFF using topographic data. We predict the areal distribution of tephra erupted from Apollinaris Patera using a Mars Global Circulation Model (GCM) combined with a semi-analytical explosive eruption model for Mars, and compare this with the distribution of the MFF. We conclude that Apollinaris Patera could have been responsible for the emplacement of the Medusae Fossae Formation.

J. L. Fastook, J. W. Head, F. Forget, J.-B. Madeleine, and D. R. Marchant. Evidence for Amazonian northern mid-latitude regional glacial landsystems on Mars: Glacial flow models using GCM-driven climate results and comparisons to geological observations. Icarus, 216:23-39, November 2011. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]

A fretted valley system on Mars located at the northern mid-latitude dichotomy boundary contains lineated valley fill (LVF) with extensive flow-like features interpreted to be glacial in origin. We have modeled this deposit using glacial flow models linked to atmospheric general circulation models (GCM) for conditions consistent with the deposition of snow and ice in amounts sufficient to explain the interpreted glaciation. In the first glacial flow model simulation, sources were modeled in the alcoves only and were found to be consistent with the alpine valley glaciation interpretation for various environments of flow in the system. These results supported the interpretation of the observed LVF deposits as resulting from initial ice accumulation in the alcoves, accompanied by debris cover that led to advancing alpine glacial landsystems to the extent observed today, with preservation of their flow texture and the underlying ice during downwasting in the waning stages of glaciation. In the second glacial flow model simulation, the regional accumulation patterns predicted by a GCM linked to simulation of a glacial period were used. This glacial flow model simulation produced a much wider region of thick ice accumulation, and significant glaciation on the plateaus and in the regional plains surrounding the dichotomy boundary. Deglaciation produced decreasing ice thicknesses, with flow centered on the fretted valleys. As plateaus lost ice, scarps and cliffs of the valley and dichotomy boundary walls were exposed, providing considerable potential for the production of a rock debris cover that could preserve the underlying ice and the surface flow patterns seen today. In this model, the lineated valley fill and lobate debris aprons were the product of final retreat and downwasting of a much larger, regional glacial landsystem, rather than representing the maximum extent of an alpine valley glacial landsystem. These results favor the interpretation that periods of mid-latitude glaciation were characterized by extensive plateau and plains ice cover, rather than being restricted to alcoves and adjacent valleys, and that the observed lineated valley fill and lobate debris aprons represent debris-covered residual remnants of a once more extensive glaciation.

R. D. Wordsworth, F. Forget, F. Selsis, E. Millour, B. Charnay, and J.-B. Madeleine. Gliese 581d is the First Discovered Terrestrial-mass Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone. Astrophysical Journal, 733:L48, June 2011. [ bib | DOI | arXiv | ADS link ]

It has been suggested that the recently discovered exoplanet GJ581d might be able to support liquid water due to its relatively low mass and orbital distance. However, GJ581d receives 35% less stellar energy than Mars and is probably locked in tidal resonance, with extremely low insolation at the poles and possibly a permanent night side. Under such conditions, it is unknown whether any habitable climate on the planet would be able to withstand global glaciation and/or atmospheric collapse. Here we present three-dimensional climate simulations which demonstrate that GJ581d will have a stable atmosphere and surface liquid water for a wide range of plausible cases, making it the first confirmed super-Earth (exoplanet of 2-10 Earth masses) in the habitable zone. We find that atmospheres with over 10 bar CO2 and varying amounts of background gas (e.g., N2) yield global mean temperatures above 0degC for both land and ocean-covered surfaces. Based on the emitted IR radiation calculated by the model, we propose observational tests that will allow these cases to be distinguished from other possible scenarios in the future.

C. Pilorget, F. Forget, E. Millour, M. Vincendon, and J. B. Madeleine. Dark spots and cold jets in the polar regions of Mars: New clues from a thermal model of surface CO 2 ice. Icarus, 213:131-149, May 2011. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]

Observations of the martian CO 2 ice cap in late winter and spring have revealed exotic phenomena. Unusual dark spots, fans and blotches form as the south-polar seasonal CO 2 ice cap retreats. The formation mechanisms of these features are not clearly understood. Theoretical models suggest that photons could penetrate deep into the CO 2 ice down to the regolith, leading to basal sublimation and gas and dust ejection. We have developed a detailed thermal model able to simulate the temporal evolution of the regolith-CO 2 ice layer-atmosphere column. It takes into account heat conduction, radiative transfer within the ice and the atmosphere, and latent heat exchange when there is a phase transition. We found that a specific algorithm, fully coupling these three components, was needed to properly predict ice sublimation below the surface. Our model allows us to determine under what conditions basal sublimation is possible and thus when and where it can occur on Mars. Our results show that basal sublimation is possible if we consider large pathlengths and very little dust content within the ice. Moreover, the model can explain how dark spots can appear very early after the end of the polar night at high latitudes. We also evaluate the importance of the different parameters in our simulations. Contrary to what was suggested by theoretical models, the role of seasonal thermal waves is found to be limited. Solar radiation alone can initiate basal sublimation, which therefore only depends on the CO 2 ice properties. Three main modes were identified: one where condensation/sublimation only occurs at the surface (in the case of small grains and/or high dust content), one where basal sublimation is possible (large pathlengths and very little dust content) and an intermediate mode where sublimation within the ice may occur. We suggest that these different modes could be keys to understanding many processes that occur at the surface of Mars, like the anticryptic area behavior or the recent reported activity in gullies.

A. Spiga, F. Forget, J.-B. Madeleine, L. Montabone, S. R. Lewis, and E. Millour. The impact of martian mesoscale winds on surface temperature and on the determination of thermal inertia. Icarus, 212:504-519, April 2011. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]

Radiative control of surface temperature is a key characteristic of the martian environment and its low-density atmosphere. Here we show through meteorological modeling that surface temperature can be far from radiative equilibrium over numerous sloping terrains on Mars, where nighttime mesoscale katabatic winds impact the surface energy budget. Katabatic circulations induce both adiabatic atmospheric heating and enhancement of downward sensible heat flux, which then becomes comparable to radiative flux and acts to warm the ground. Through this mechanism, surface temperature can increase up to 20 K. One consequence is that warm signatures of surface temperature over slopes, observed through infrared spectrometry, cannot be systematically associated with contrasts of intrinsic soil thermal inertia. Apparent thermal inertia maps retrieved thus far possibly contain wind-induced structures. Another consequence is that surface temperature observations close to sloping terrains could allow the validation of model predictions for martian katabatic winds, provided contrasts in intrinsic thermal inertia can be ruled out. The thermal impact of winds is mostly discussed in this paper in the particular cases of Olympus Mons/Lycus Sulci and Terra Meridiani but is generally significant over any sloped terrains in low thermal inertia areas. It is even general enough to apply under daytime conditions, thereby providing a possible explanation for observed afternoon surface cooling, and to ice-covered terrains, thereby providing new insights on how winds could have shaped the present surface of Mars.