
1998 .

(2 publications)

P. Barthelet, S. Bony, P. Braconnot, A. Braun, D. Cariolle, E. Cohen-Solal, J.-L. Dufresne, P. Delecluse, M. Déqué, L. Fairhead, M.-A. Filiberti, M. Forichon, J.-Y. Grandpeix, E. Guilyardi, M.-N. Hqussais, M. Imbard, H. Le Treut, C. Lévy, Z. Xin Li, G. Madec, P. Marquet, O. Marti, S. Planton, L. Terray, O. Thual, and S. Valcke. Simulations couplées globales des changements climatiques associés à une augmentation de la teneur atmosphérique en CO 2. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science, 326:677-684, May 1998. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]

Two transient CO 2 experiments using two coupled general circulation models developed by the French GASTON group have been realized using the same methodology. No flux corrections at the air-sea interface were used in these experiments. The main features of the present climate are reasonably well captured by both coupled models in the control simulations, although the biases are not the same, The transient CO 2 simulations show a global warming, ranging between 1.6 and 2.0 degC at the time of CO 2 doubling (+ 70 years). These values, and the main geographical characteristics of climate change, are in agreement with previous studies published by other research groups, using either flux corrected or non-flux corrected models.

J. Dufresne, R. Fournier, and J. Grandpeix. Méthode de Monte-Carlo par échanges pour le calcul des bilans radiatifs au sein d'une cavité 2D remplie de gaz. Academie des Sciences Paris Comptes Rendus Serie B Sciences Physiques, 326:33-38, January 1998. [ bib | DOI | ADS link ]